all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 8AA 1 0 50.893313 -1.018699
PO8 8AB 16 0 50.89277 -1.017203
PO8 8AD 15 1 50.891765 -1.014367
PO8 8AE 22 0 50.892478 -1.013498
PO8 8AF 6 0 50.892781 -1.014303
PO8 8AG 15 0 50.890808 -1.011742
PO8 8AH 21 0 50.892242 -1.012281
PO8 8AJ 19 0 50.891988 -1.011916
PO8 8AL 23 0 50.892773 -1.010137
PO8 8AN 15 0 50.892404 -1.01013
PO8 8AP 28 1 50.892631 -1.008306
PO8 8AR 20 0 50.892899 -1.009167
PO8 8AS 17 0 50.89349 -1.008828
PO8 8AT 38 0 50.893542 -1.00749
PO8 8AU 13 0 50.894144 -1.008472
PO8 8AX 64 0 50.895023 -1.008226
PO8 8AY 18 0 50.891656 -1.008867
PO8 8AZ 37 0 50.891564 -1.010802
PO8 8BA 29 0 50.890919 -1.009948
PO8 8BB 11 0 50.890145 -1.009936